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  • Class 1 - Trauma Informing the 12 Steps: Empowerment in Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery
     June 19, 2017
     10:00 am - 1:00 pm
  • Class 2 - To Disclose or Not Disclose, That is the Ethical Question!
     June 19, 2017
     1:45 pm - 4:45 pm
  • Class 3 - The Change Ethic!
     June 19, 2017
     5:30 pm - 8:30 pm


12 Steps for Trauma Survivors, Ethics and Self Disclosure Marathon!

June 19, 2017

 Perry Hall LibrarySymbol to indicate that the branch meets accessibility standards

9685 Honeygo Boulevard 
Perry Hall, Maryland 21128

This CE You! Marathon Seminar includes three excellent classes. Afternoon and Evening Ethics Trainings

(Get up to 9 category I CEUs).

You can attend all three classes or select individual classes.  

The Cost of the full seminar is $149.

Two classes are $99. One class is $59. 

Refreshments (healthy and not-so healthy) served throughout the day! Parking is free.



group-therapy-chairsClass I, 10:00am-1:00pm,

Trauma Informing the 12 Steps: Empowerment in Substance Misuse & Addiction Recovery


Clients living with substance misuse & addiction often have histories of emotional, physical and/or sexual trauma. The 12 Step groups AA and NA are the most widespread and available peer support groups for addiction recovery, though some language of the 12 Steps may be contraindicated for survivors of trauma.

This training provides an introduction to broadened definitions of trauma with examples throughout the lifespan. We will review the key principles of Trauma Informed Care by SAMHSA. Participants will also explore the relationship between unhealed trauma and the development of substance use disorders through an overview of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACES). We will analyze language of the 12 steps through a trauma informed lens, offering alternative language options to promote healing empowerment & prevent re-traumatization; Attendees will come away with resources to refer clients seeking peer support alternatives to 12 step. **This Training is Not Affiliated with AA, NA or any 12 Step program or entity** (Trainer, Eryca Kasse, LICSW, Founder, CHOICES in Healing & Recovery, LLC)


ethics to disclose or not discloseClass 2- 1:45pm – 4:45pm

To Disclose or Not Disclose, That is the Ethical Question!


The therapeutic relationship can be enhanced by the rapport the therapist has with their client.  Yet some clients are easier to connect with than others. Can self-disclosure help with rapport building? Can self-disclosure help the therapeutic relationship or does it just lead down a slippery ethical slope?

This interactive training will explore these questions and more. Participants will look at our own personal values, examine case vignettes and explore how transference and counter transference can affect the efficacy of the therapeutic relationship. (Trainer, Tzipora Frager, LCSW-C, Johns Hopkins Out Patient Clinic, Health Behavioral Specialist)


*Evening Ethics*



Class 3 – 5:30pm – 8:30pm

(3 Category I Ethics CEUs)

The Change Ethic!

Why does change seem so hard? What can we learn about change from alligators, elephants, and a Code of Ethics?One of the most basic ethical principles of the helping professions is that clinicians need to assist clients in realizing their capacity to change. While this ethical principle goes to the very core of practice, practitioners often find themselves at a loss when working with “resistant” clients.

This interactive training will examine the obligation to help clients change and teach effective methods to achieving this ethical obligation. (Trainer Jeffrey Davidson LCSW-C, LICSW)


This CE You! Marathon Seminar includes three excellent classes (a total of 9 category I CEUs). You can attend all three classes or select individual classes. The Cost of the full seminar is $149. Two classes are $99. One class is $59. Refreshments are served through out the day.


9685 Honeygo Boulevard, Perry Hall, Maryland, 21128


Handicap Accessible, Free Parking