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  • Class 1 - From Baltimore to Ferguson, and Beyond: Ethical Practice in Community Outreach
     February 15, 2017
     10:00 am - 1:00 pm
  • Class 2 - Evolving Our Cultural Competence
     February 15, 2017
     1:45 pm - 4:45 pm
  • Class 3 - How can I be Ethical When You’re Driving Me Crazy!? Surviving the Emotional Hazards of the Workplace
     February 15, 2017
     5:30 pm - 8:30 pm


Ethics, Urban Riots, Cultural Competence

Workplace Survival Marathon!

February 15, 2017

Arbutus Library Symbol to indicate that the branch meets accessibility standards

855 Sulphur Spring Rd

Arbutus, MD 21227


This CE You! Marathon Seminar includes three excellent classes

(a total of 9 category I CEUs).

You can attend all three classes or select individual classes.  

The Cost of the full seminar is $149.

Two classes are $99. One class is $59. 

Refreshments (healthy and not-so healthy) served throughout the day! Parking is free.


baltimore during riots

Class I – 10:00am – 1:00pm

From Baltimore to Ferguson, and Beyond: Ethical Practice in Community Outreach (3 Category I Ethics CEUs)

Recent high profile police-involved fatalities resulted in unrest in cities across the United States. Locally, riots in Baltimore led to a weeklong city curfew and National Guard presence. Many in the community of helping professionals were left wondering what more could we have done. This class will provide the skills necessary for helping professionals to take action in community organizing and stabilization.  It builds on the concepts of values, ethical standards, community organization, and case planning in dealing with large and small systemic issues that our communities are facing.

Through interactive discussions and group activities participants will develop the skills necessary to have successful interactions within the community; as well as, take action steps to create peaceful solutions to community upheaval. This class will also teach professionals how to organize and stabilize communities in the midst of challenges and promote safety.  Participants will sharpen assessment and safety planning skills that will be useful to all areas of social work practice. (Trainer,  Tara Rice, LCSW-C, Director, The TARA Center)


Class 2 –  1:45pm-4:45pm

Evolving  Our Cultural Competence

(3 CEUs – Cultural Competence)

Even great clinicians are in fact only human. As professional as we are, it may sometimes require a lot of energy to maintain complete objectivity with our clients. We may begin to see red flags that remind us to take a step back. As we aim to help the client understand their own motives, values and beliefs, our best service comes from a place of objectivity. Is it possible to consistently attain this lofty goal?  Is it possible to work with clients who display a real antagonistic attitude toward our own values and beliefs?


This class will add to our existing base of knowledge and cultural competence. We will explore and discuss the process of cultural competency that is continually evolving as society evolves around us. (Trainer Tzipora Frager, LCSW-C, Johns Hopkins Out Patient Clinic, Health Behavioral Specialist)


*Evening Ethics*


Class 3 – 5:30pm – 8:30pm

How can I be Ethical When You’re Driving Me Crazy!? Surviving the Emotional Hazards of the Workplace (3 Category I Ethics CEUs)

The work place throws together people who did not choose each other, but were hired to work towards a common goal. Workplace dynamics create challenges for professionals as they struggle to achieve their own goals while meeting the objectives and expectations of the organization. But what are our Ethical obligations to colleagues? What does the Code of Ethics have to say about this topic?

Working with difficult people actually affords clinicians an opportunity to hone their clinical skills while learning to work out unique challenges.

This interactive training will help you understand effective methods for working with difficult people and gain a personal serenity that will allow them to thrive while working through the emotional ups and downs of the workplace. (Trainer Jeffrey Davidson, LCSW-C, LICSW, Director, CE You!)

This CE You! Marathon Seminar includes three excellent classes (a total of 9 category I CEUs). You can attend all three classes or select individual classes. The Cost of the full seminar is $149. Two classes are $99. One class is $59. Refreshments (healthy and not-so healthy) are served through out the day.


855 Sulphur Spring Road, Arbutus, Maryland, 21227, United States


Handicap Accessible, Free Parking