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  • Class 1 - Savvy Supervision!
    August 9, 2024
    10:00 am - 1:00 pm







Eli Shapiro, Ed.D, LCSW

Technology today is ubiquitous and inescapable. As mental health professionals and educators we must constantly evaluate the role that technology plays in the lives of the individual and families we work with including its impact on social, psychological and behavioral functioning. COVID – 19, Ai, augmented reality and more have presented increased engagement with and dependence on technology, which is changing the landscape of our social, psychological and behavioral functioning.

Through this session, we delve into the challenges posed by the digital age, with a keen focus on the evolving realm of psychological practice, education, and research. This program is designed to navigate the uncharted waters of this technological surge, equipping educators and mental health professionals with up-to-date insights into the intricate interplay between technology and functioning. By delving into the most recent data and scholarly exploration, participants will uncover essential resources that empower them to navigate this transformative digital landscape.

About the Presenter

Dr. Eli Shapiro is a licensed clinical social worker with a doctorate in education and specialists certificate in Jewish educational leadership. He is the creator and director of The Digital Citizenship Project, which focuses on promoting digital responsibility in the age of technology. Dr. Shapiro is the lead researcher on a national study on Jewish day school students’ technology ownership, attitudes and behaviors and is the co-author of the Digital Citizenship Tech Smart curriculum. Dr. Shapiro has presented to tens of thousands of parents and professionals in communities across the United States, Canada, Central America and Israel and has lectured for nationally recognized organizations including, Agudath Israel of America, Consortium of Jewish Day Schools, International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Shluchim, Nefesh International, The Orthodox Union, Prizmah – Center for Jewish Day Schools, Torah Umesorah and Yeshiva University.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Analyze the impact of technology on psychological and behavioral functioning.
  2. Differentiate and categorize distinct types of screen time and their effects
  3. Devise comprehensive strategies to enhance the functioning of individuals and families within a technology-driven society

Course Agenda


1. Introductions and Ice Breaker (15 minutes)


2. Best of times, worst of times  (90 minutes)

Why technology is wonderful

Why technology is awful

The behavioral impact of technology





The misconception of screen time

Enhancement versus intrusion

Recent findings on social medias impact on children

Recent findings on the relationship between technology and loneliness


3. Implications in practice (45 min)

Clinical Strategies: Empower Mental Health Professionals to Address Digital Impact

School Strategies: Promote Healthy Technology Use in Educational Settings

Communal Strategies: Foster Positive Digital Communities and Connections


4. Review and Summary (10 minutes)


5. Q and A (20 minutes)

Course Length: 3 HoursThis workshop Offers 3 Live Interactive Continuing Education Credits




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