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Money, Goals, Trauma, 12 Steps, Addiction and Recovery Seminar

Presenter: Presenter: Vanessa Bright, AFC (Accredited Financial Counselor), Eryca Kasse, LICSW

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These workshops offer 6 Continuing Education Credits
All webinars in this series are recorded and will not grant live credits.

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Full Day Webinar 

January  5, 2023

10:00AM -  4:45PM EST


This     Full Day Webinar      includes two excellent classes, a total of 6 CE Credits. The cost of the full day is $99.99. You may attend an individual class for $59.99. This webinar is live and interactive (Category 1)


To register for the   FULL DAY  Click "BUY IT NOW". To register for just one class, click on the Class/link below.

If you have any difficulty registering, please contact us  here.

Class 1

Your Money Your Goals: An Empowerment Toolkit

10:00 AM - 1:00 PM EST


The Your Money, Your Goals toolkit, created by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is comprehensive and brings together information, tools, and links to other resources case managers and social workers can use to help clients build skills in managing money, credit, debt, and financial products. Having all these resources in one place can make it easier for you to bring financial empowerment concepts into conversations you may already be having.

This can help the people you work with increase the financial stability in their lives.


Although, sharing this information and tools may feel like a completely different job from your current one, another thing you’re being asked to add to your workload, once you’re familiar with the resources in this toolkit, it can become natural to integrate its contents into the work you do every day.


3 Hours


Class 2

Trauma Informing The 12 Steps: Empowerment in Substance Use & Addiction Recovery (3 CE Credits)


1:45 PM - 4:45 PM EST


Clients living with substance misuse & addiction often have histories of emotional, physical and/or sexual trauma. The 12 Step groups AA and NA are the most widespread and available peer support groups for addiction recovery, though some language of the 12 Steps may be contraindicated for survivors of trauma.


This training provides an introduction to broadened definitions of trauma with examples throughout the lifespan. We will review the key principles of Trauma Informed Care by SAMHSA. Participants will also explore the relationship between unhealed trauma and the development of substance use disorders through an overview of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACES). We will analyze language of the 12 steps through a trauma informed lens, offering alternative language options to promote healing empowerment & prevent re-traumatization; Attendees will come away with resources to refer clients seeking peer support alternatives to the 12 steps.


**This Training is Not Affiliated with AA, NA or any 12 Step program or entity** 



This   One Day Seminar  includes two excellent classes, a total of 6 CEs. The cost of the full day is $99.99. You may attend an individual class for $59.99.

This presentation is open to:
  • Social Workers
  • Professional Counselors
  • Therapists
  • Psychologists
  • Licensed Mental Health Practitioners
  • Medical Doctors and Other Health Professionals
  • Other professionals interacting with populations engaged in mental health based services
Course Level: introductory
Level of Clinician: beginner
  • New practitioners who wish to gain enhanced insight surrounding the topic
  • Experienced practitioners who seek to increase and expand fundamental knowledge surrounding the subject matter
  • Advanced practitioners seeking to review concepts and reinforce practice skills and/or access additional consultation
  • Managers seeking to broaden micro and/or macro perspectives

Participants will receive their certificate electronically upon completion of the webinar and course evaluation form.

Disability Access - If you require ADA accommodations, please contact our office 30 days or more before the event. We cannot ensure accommodations without adequate prior notification. Please Note: Licensing Boards change regulations often, and while we attempt to stay abreast of their most recent changes, if you have questions or concerns about this course meeting your specific board’s approval, we recommend you contact your board directly to obtain a ruling. The grievance policy for trainings provided by the NEFESH INTERNATIONAL is available here Satisfactory Completion Participants must have paid the tuition fee, logged in and out each day, attended the entire workshop, and completed an evaluation to receive a certificate (If this is a pre-recorded program, a post-test with a passing grade of 80% to receive a certificate.) Failure to log in or out will result in forfeiture of credit for the entire course. No exceptions will be made. Partial credit is not available. Certificates are available after satisfactory course completion by clicking here.
There is no conflict of interest or commercial support for this program.
  • CE You LLC is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0437

Pre-recorded trainings do not offer ASWB ACE CE credit. See above for other accreditation accepted by most state boards.

Registrants who are unable to attend a CE You! seminar or live workshop may ask for, and will receive, a credit or refund (your choice). Refund requests will be processed within 3 business days. When an attendee knows in advance that they are unable to attend we ask that they inform CE You! ahead of time by emailing [email protected] or by calling or texting (607) 249-4585 this allows us to free up the spot in the training in the event that a training is at or near capacity.