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Class 1 - Introduction to Sand Tray Therapy
January 6, 2020
10:00 am - 1:00 pm -
Class 2 - Getting to the Point! Methods and Applications of Solutions-Focused Brief Therapy
January 6, 2020
1:45 pm - 4:45 pm -
Class 3 - To Disclose or Not Disclose, That is the Ethical Question!
January 6, 2020
5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Sand Tray Therapy*, Solution Focused, Ethics and Self Disclosure Marathon!
January 6, 2020
Randallstown Library 
8604 Liberty Road
Randallstown, MD 21133
*Please note, Our Sand Tray Therapy Training has been approved directly by the Maryland Board of Social Work Examiners
This CE You! Marathon Seminar includes three excellent classes
(a total of 9 category I CEUs).
You can attend all three classes or select individual classes.
The Cost of the full seminar is $149.
Two classes are $99. One class is $59.
Refreshments (healthy and not-so healthy) served throughout the day! Parking is free.
Class 1 – 10:00am – 1:00pm
Introduction to Sand Tray Therapy (3 CEUs)
In this engaging and interactive training, therapists will learn about sand tray therapy and how to use it with a wide variety of clients. Participants will learn how to determine if sand tray interventions may be helpful or if they are contraindicated. This training will demonstrate how to introduce sand tray techniques to clients, guide them through a session, and successfully help them work towards their therapeutic goals using this expressive modality. You will have the opportunity to learn, practice, and apply new knowledge and skills.
Participants will learn the underlying principles of what makes Sand Tray Therapy effective. You will learn the basic neuroscience of how Sand Tray Therapy works and learn the three stages of every Sand Tray intervention. And more…. (Trainer, Michael Schlein, LCPC is the author of Sandtray Therapy: Everything you Need to Know to Start Using Sandtray Therapy with Your Clients Today. He sees clients in his private practice in Pikesville, MD)
Class 2 – 1:45pm – 4:45pm (3 CEUs)
Getting to the Point! Methods and Applications of Solutions-Focused Brief Therapy
Solutions-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) principles have been applied to situations as diverse as, school settings, couples therapy, drug abuse, and suicide prevention programs. Unlike classical psychotherapists, SFBT practitioners don’t go looking at a client’s past to search for the root of the problem. Instead they ask a series of questions. They help their clients find out what is going right and build on those successes. The simple yet profound methods of SFBT have been shown to be effective in working with even highly dysfunctional clients and families.
This interactive training will familiarize you with the principles of SFBT and help you understand the implications of this highly effective therapy in working with their clients. (Trainer, Jeffrey Davidson, LCSW-C, LICSW, Director, CE You!)
*Evening Ethics*
Class 1 – 5:30pm -8:30pm
To Disclose or Not Disclose, That is the Ethical Question!
The therapeutic relationship can be enhanced by the rapport the therapist has with their client. Yet some clients are easier to connect with than others. Can self-disclosure help with rapport building? Can self-disclosure help the therapeutic relationship or does it just lead down a slippery ethical slope?
This interactive training will explore these questions and more. Participants will look at our own personal values, examine case vignettes and explore how transference and counter transference can affect the efficacy of the therapeutic relationship. (Trainer, Tzipora Frager, LCSW-C, Johns Hopkins Out Patient Clinic, Health Behavioral Specialist)
This CE You! Marathon Seminar includes three excellent classes (a total of 9 category I CEUs). You can attend all three classes or select individual classes. The Cost of the full seminar is $149. Two classes are $99. One class is $59. Refreshments (healthy and not-so healthy) are served through out the day.
Venue: Randallstown Library
8604 Liberty Rd, Randallstown, Maryland, 21133, United States