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  • Class 1 - Savvy Supervision!
     September 16, 2020
     10:00 am - 1:00 pm
  • Class 2 - Growing Your Supervision Skills!
     September 16, 2020
     1:45 pm - 4:45 pm



The One Day Supervision Seminar!

September 16, 2020

Live Webinar



This One Day Seminar includes two excellent supervision classes, a total of 6 CEUs.  The cost of the full day is $99. You may attend an individual class for $59. 



Savvy Supervision!

Basic Administrative Supervision –  Geared towards the newer supervisor

Class 1 – 10:00 am-1:00pm (3 CEUs – Supervision)

Although supervisors prefer the supportive role, they spend at least 80% of their time performing administrative functions. If you are a new supervisor or contemplating becoming a supervisor this webinar is for you. A major skill for all supervisors is giving and receiving feedback. Dr. Ashery will have a lively presentation on having difficult conversations with your supervisees and help you to avoid conversation pitfalls.  She will also review 13 steps to help you become a savvy supervisor with an emphasis on leadership in supervision.  (Trainer, Rebecca Ashery PhD, LCSW-C, Leader-Manager Coach)



Growing Your Supervision Skills!

Geared toward experienced and new  supervisors

Class 2 – 1:45 pm – 4:45 pm (3 CEUs – Supervision)

This webinar will introduce a variety of tools to add to your supervisory resources. Recognize Group Think and Group Polarization operating in your organization; develop SMART goals to determine your supervisee’s progress; conduct Meetings that don’t waste time; apply other tools such as the DISC behavior styles, the SWOT Analysis and the 4 Disciplines of Execution. These tools will help to strengthen your supervisory position and reduce administrative overload. (Trainer, Rebecca Ashery PhD, LCSW-C, Leader-Manager Coach, )


Dr. Ashery has a masters and doctorate degree in social work and a certificate in the government Senior Executive Service. Although a macro major, her first job was as a foster care caseworker for a county public welfare agency. She worked for the federal government for 30 years in NIDA, SAMHSA, and HRSA in various management positions in research, program planning and execution, training, and policy. She currently has a private psychotherapy practice and coaching practice. Her coaching practice focuses on workplace issues.




Attend this Live, Interactive Continuing Education Webinar from the comfort of your home or office! 

Prior to this event, you will receive instructions via email, explaining how to participate in your webinar!