The 7th Annual CE You!
Summer Conference
2 Days – 18 CE Credits!
July 30-31

Includes Ethics, Cultural Competence, Trauma Training, and lots more!
Register For Full Conference →
(18 CE Credits, $299.97)
Register For First Day Only →
(9 CE Credits, $149.99)
Register For Second Day Only →
(9 CE Credits, $149.99)
This Conference will take place completely online.
This 2 day program is jam packed with training and will provide you with up to 18 Live Interactive CE Credits.
The full conference includes Ethics, Cultural Competence, and Trauma Credits!
You can attend the full conference or select specific classes to attend.
Day 1, July 30, 2024
10:00 am to 12:00 pm EST
Select one of the following classes
Class A
Can I Be Authentically Me? Examining Disparities in Medical and Mental Health:
A Cultural Humility Training (2 CE Credits – Cultural Competence, Anti-Oppressive Practice)
This interactive training will help mental health professionals look outside of their own lens to allow the clients they serve to be authentically themselves and not be held or judged by societal standards of what is considered the “norm”. We will take a deep look into healthcare disparities and systemic issues that prevent people of color from receiving access to quality and equitable care. This training will help professionals identify their biases and practice cultural competence and humility to be able to advocate and successfully work with this population. Participants will be provided case studies and engage in group discussions that will help them calibrate their lens to see clearly the societal/systemic impacts and how to provide the best care to their clients. This Cultural Competence training meets the New Maryland Anti-Oppressive Practice training Requirement.
(Trainer, Alesha Perkins is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Virginia and North Carolina and a Certified Case Manager. She received her MSW from the University of Central Florida. Alesha has over 20 years of experience in the social work field with vast knowledge in medical social work, child protective services, case management, mental health and substance abuse counseling. She has over 10 years of experience in developing and facilitating trainings for mental and medical professionals, state and national professional organizations. She serves as the Mentorship Chair for the North Carolina Society for Clinical Social Work and is an active member of Toastmasters. Alesha is a former Clinical Director for a mental health agency and currently works for a health insurance provider as a Senior Program Manager. In addition, she provides clinical supervision, has a part-time private practice, and is an instructor for Perkins Medical Services which is family owned. Perkins Medical Services has been in business for over 20 years and provides quality mental health and medical trainings.
Jasetta Perkins is a registered nurse and exercise specialist. She received her Bachelors of Science in Kinesiology from James Madison University, Associates of Science in Health Sciences from the University of Mount Olive, her nursing diploma from Watts School of Nursing and her Master of Science in Nursing from Queens University of Charlotte. She has over ten years of experience in providing health education to clients. She became an exercise specialist to help people live longer lives and became a nurse because she saw a need for patient advocacy and education especially for minorities. Jasetta is currently a diabetes nurse educator and case manager for a health insurance provider. In addition, she is a CPR instructor, MAT trainer, and instructor for Perkins Medical Services which is family owned. Perkins Medical Services has been in business for over 20 years and provides quality mental health and medical trainings.
Class B
Discovering the Mental Health Benefits of Prayer as a Mindfulness Tool (2 CE Credits)
Scholarly studies, such as those by Masters et al. (2019) and Smith and Richards (2020), demonstrate significant reductions in stress and anxiety levels among individuals who engage in regular prayer. Longitudinal research by Greenberg et al. (2018) further highlights the positive impact of prayer on emotional regulation, showing increases in resilience over time. Moreover, national surveys, including data from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), underscore the widespread use of prayer as a coping mechanism for mental health challenges. Another study conducted by Johnson et al. (2017), suggest promising outcomes for prayer-based interventions in reducing depressive symptoms and enhancing overall well-being.
This presentation explores the mental health benefits of prayer as a mindfulness tool, drawing upon scholarly resources and statistical evidence. Prayer, defined as a practice of communication with a higher power or inner self, shares parallels with secular mindfulness practices in fostering present-moment awareness and emotional regulation. This training will discuss clinical applications on the use of prayer as a potent means of stress reduction, anxiety management, emotional resilience, and enhanced psychological well-being.
(Trainer, Cadija Barnett, LCSW, is the Founder of Holistic Mental Health Services Inc., a full service counseling and coaching organization based in sunny Miami Florida. She has presented at previous conferences on a number of topics. She brings over 16 years of experience as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, offering comprehensive mental health support to individuals, groups, and organizations, through her organization Holistic Mental Health Services.)
Afternoon Session
12:40 pm – 5:00 pm EST
Select one of the following classes
Class A
The Ear, the Eye, and the Heart: How Psychodynamic Therapists Listen for Unconscious Communication (4 CE Credits)
Our interventions can only be as effective as the listening and conceptualization process that informs them. Unconscious messages come to us through diverse channels, including the verbal, nonverbal and counter-transferential. In order to “follow the unconscious” of the patient, to form and test hypotheses about the hidden meanings of their speech and behavior, we need a mind that is “well-stocked” with diverse approaches for assessing these channels. This class will offer participants an opportunity to deepen their listening process with the goal of sharpening their moment-to-moment conceptualization skills, so that they can better tailor their interventions to the mind of the patient.
(Trainer, Maury Joseph, PsyD is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in Washington, DC and Pennsylvania, and is currently located outside Philadelphia, PA. He is an IEDTA-certified (International Experiential Dynamic Therapy Association) teacher and supervisor of Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP). He has a background of teaching courses on psychoanalysis and supervising students at the doctoral level. He offers weekly supervision groups and private seminars on psychodynamic topics.)
Class B
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Psychosis: A collaborative and Recovery Oriented Approach (4 CE Credits)
CBT for psychosis is an evidence-based method to help people reduce distress and disability related to psychotic experiences, and to support a possible full recovery. Learn how to collaborate with people having difficult and confusing experiences, “exploring the evidence” rather than imposing our own beliefs, and helping people develop well informed coping options so they are not forced to rely only on medications that may have limited effectiveness.
This seminar begins by examining the nature of psychosis and of CBT, providing a foundation for understanding how CBT can be helpful. Then the basic style of CBT for psychosis is explored, followed by an introduction to two of the most important techniques. Finally, applications of CBT are explored for working with a variety of psychotic experiences, including hearing distressing voices, delusional beliefs, disorganization, and negative symptoms. Throughout the seminar you will be exposed to surprisingly hopeful ways of thinking about extreme or psychotic experiences, along with practical steps you can take in your work with people who are struggling.
(Trainer, Ron Unger, LCSW is a therapist, and consultant specializing in CBT and related approaches for psychosis. For the past 2 decades he has been providing seminars on therapy for psychosis, on working with the intersection of trauma and psychosis, and on addressing cultural and spiritual issues within treatment for psychosis, at universities and mental health facilities across the US and internationally. He is passionate about making tricky and extreme states of mind understandable, so that pathways to quality human relationship, recovery, and healing become possible. He chairs the Pacific Northwest Branch of the International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis (ISPS-US), and maintains a blog at
Class C
Testing and Psychometrics for Clinicians (4 CE Credits)
Get a solid overview of fundamental aspects of testing and psychometrics, geared to clinicians, school psychologists, counseling psychologists, and other users of tests. Topics to be discussed include reliability theory, validity, norms and standards, test development, test equating, adaptive testing, bias, intelligence testing, attitude scales, interests, and personality testing. The class assumes a basic understanding of statistical concepts, including central tendency, variability, and bivariate analysis (i.e., correlation).
(Trainer, Dr. Eugene Muller is a psychologist/psychometrician with extensive experience in education, higher education, business, government, and consulting environments. He has many years of experience in licensure/certification test development for a number of occupations, and in the application of statistical analyses to student achievement, job performance, opinions, attitudes, and behaviors. He is the President of National Measurement and Testing, and teaches psychometrics, research methods, and experimental psychology at Montclair State University in New Jersey.)
Evening Sessions
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Select one of the following classes
Class A
Out of Sight, BUT Not out of Mind: Supporting Families in Recovery (3 CE Credits)
What happens to families during recovery? What do they do? Who are they now? What do they want, what do they need, what is working, and when and how will they move forward? The question is: What’s Next? What’s next for families when they are forgotten in the recovery journey? What’s next when family relationships, dynamics, and systems are disrupted?
This webinar will explore what it means to rediscover the family and its identity and build while in recovery. Often, we see rebuilding and healing for individuals. What does it mean for families who are also impacted by the throes of addiction and recovery?
(Trainer, Lisa Connors, PhD, LCPC, is the Associate Pastor of In His Image International Ministry in Maryland. She is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, Licensed Bachelor Social Worker, National Certified Counselor, Master Addiction Counselor, Board-Certified Coach, Certified Clinical Trauma Professional, Certified Grief Informed Professional, and is a Fellow in Thanatology (the study of death, dying, and bereavement). In addition to her pastoral and clinical work, she is a college professor and consultant/trainer. Ms. Connors has a Bachelor of Social Work, Master of Divinity, and Master of Arts in Professional Counseling degrees and has completed her doctoral studies in Psychology.)
Class B
Repairing Ruptures in Couples Therapy: A Mind-body Approach (3 CE Credits)
Couples therapy is challenging because there are two people who are in distress, each wants more from their partner and to be understood. A common denominator in treating couples is verbal communication, which relies on what is available cognitively to the couple. However, sources of tension and disconnection are often outside of their awareness, limiting the effectiveness of the treatment. When couples become emotionally charged or shut down it’s because they’re feeling threatened, by something inside of themselves or something between them and their partner.
This presentation focuses on how to use the natural workings of the autonomic nervous system to help couples engage more effectively with each other. Key components are the structure of a session, strategies for nervous system regulation, tracking the body for signs of nervous system activation and intervening effectively. This somatic-based approach enables couples to identify the true sources of distress, repair ruptures, communicate more effectively and solve problems, and sets the conditions for memory reconsolidation to take place.
(Trainer, Deborah J. Fox, LICSW, is in private practice in Washington, DC. She is an AASECT Certified Sex therapist providing individual and couples psychotherapy. She conducts seminars and consultation groups on the integration of couples and sex therapy and the treatment of sexual trauma, with an emphasis on somatic intervention strategies. She has taught the integration of somatic intervention into couples therapy through PESI and the Psychotherapy Networker. She conducts consultation groups on couples therapy, sex therapy and sexual trauma. Her most recent publication is The Integration of Somatic-based Strategies into Couples Therapy. Clinical Social Work Journal (Oct 2023).)
Class C
Unveiling Misdiagnosis and Bias: Mental Health Disorders in Black Children (3 CE Credits – Cultural Competence, Anti-Oppressive Practice)
This training delves into the critical issue of the prevalence and consequences of misdiagnosis of mental health disorders among Black children. The misdiagnosis is often exacerbated by a range of factors, including both explicit and implicit biases held by clinicians. Additionally, issues such as historical medical mistreatment leading to a lack of trust, communication barriers like African American Vernacular English, and clinicians’ unfamiliarity with cultural norms and expressions further contribute to this problem.
The ramifications of misdiagnosis have profound effects on the mental health outcomes and treatment plans for Black children. This underscores the urgent necessity for the development and implementation of culturally competent assessment and diagnostic protocols. Addressing this pressing need is vital for ensuring accurate diagnosis, appropriate treatment, and improved mental health outcomes for Black children, ultimately striving for equity and inclusivity in mental health care. This Cultural Competence training meets the New Maryland Anti-Oppressive Practice training Requirement.
(Trainer, Tiffany Sanders, LCSW, is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker based in North Carolina with a strong background in supporting traumatized individuals and families. Specializing in trauma-focused modalities, she is trained in the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT), Child and Family Traumatic Stress Intervention (CFTSI), and Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT). Currently, she serves as a Clinical Supervisor for her local government, collaborating with local law enforcement to offer therapeutic assistance to children impacted by traumatic events. Ms. Sanders is the founder of Sunflower Therapeutic Solutions PLLC and co-owner of Harbour & Holmes Publishing LLC. She co-authored “Your Feelings Matter, A Story for Children Who Have Witnessed Domestic Violence” and “Addy’s Summer Adventure: A Story of BIG and Small Feelings”. She has been a conference speaker at the NASW Conference, NC trauma conference, and at previous CE You! Conferences, sharing her passion for educating communities and professionals on mental health issues. In her free time, she enjoys reading, photography, escape rooms, and traveling to immerse herself in new cultures.)
Day 2 – July 31, 2024
10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Select one of the following classes
Class A
Examining Mood Disorders from a Biopsychosocial Model among Women who Identify as BIPOC (3 CE Credits – Cultural Competence)
The new workshop will provide attendees with an interactive discussion that will include an overview of the Biopsychosocial Model as part of a comprehensive health assessment and treatment model. Participants will leave with an understanding of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) suggestion for comprehensive evaluations using the Biopsychosocial Model as the tool. This will be applied explicitly to building an assessment of Mood Disorders among Black Women. Research postulates that mood-related difficulties and cardiovascular problems are interconnected and remain higher for Black women compared to other groups. This training addresses the need to understand the impact of unique and potential generational stressors on health outcomes experienced by women who identify as BIPOC and to reduce current health disparities.
(Trainer, Eugena K. Griffin, Ph.D. received her degree in Clinical-Community Psychology from the University of South Carolina (USC) in 2008 and obtained licensure as a Clinical Psychologist in the state of New York in 2010. As a Licensed Psychologist, Dr. Griffin provides comprehensive assessments and psychotherapy to impoverished and disenfranchised children, adolescents, and adults presenting with mild to severe mental health concerns. Dr. Griffin continues to engage in health disparity research as a means to further examine the racism-coping phenomena among BIPOC in America. She holds a tenured-Associate Professor of Psychology position at City University of New York where she provides instruction and mentorship to a diverse undergraduate student population. She is the author of the books, Letters to the Black Community and The Steps I Took: How My Journey to Success Can Help Guide Your Success)
Class B
Funding: The Fifth Component of Social Work (3 CE Credits)
There’s an old saying that an army runs on its stomach. Likewise, for programming and treatment to happen, resources are essential for implementation. Regardless of the line items, the unifying element is the funding that pays for it. The search for funding entails understanding and an ability to articulate program details, background, experience, and even routine operational tasks. Hence, the fifth component of Social Work is Funding. Recognizing and understanding this additional component of Social Work and its role will benefit programs and practitioners as they move toward greater programming and practice.
(Trainer, Nathaniel Warshay, MA, LBSW, has worked for more than two decades in the nonprofit sector in organizational development, including accreditation, strategic planning (and implementation), program development, inter-agency networking and coalition building, and developing and implementing qualitative and quantitative research studies. He has helped some 10,000 people move from homelessness and housing insecurity to permanent homes, and developed wrap-around supportive services programs. He has helped raise more than $98 million for homelessness and other human services programs, academic excellence, healthcare and medical research, capital grants, and community development. Nathaniel has worked both sides of the grants table, having recommended approximately $63 million for funding awards.)
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Select one of the following classes
Class A
Ethical Practice and Boundary Management in Mental Health: A Comprehensive Training (3 CE Credits – Ethics)
This comprehensive training is tailored for mental health professionals seeking to deepen their understanding and application of ethical practices and boundary management within their work. Participants will explore the core principles of ethics in mental health, confront common boundary issues, and discover effective strategies for managing these challenges and safeguarding the well-being of both clients and professionals. Integrating lectures, case studies, and interactive discussions, the program aims to cultivate a profound comprehension of the critical role that ethical considerations and boundary management play in enhancing therapeutic processes and maintaining professional integrity.
(Trainer, Amy Smitke, LISW-S, LICDC, is an experienced & passionate Licensed Independent Social Worker and clinical supervisor. With a background in psychology and a Master’s degree from The Ohio State University, she is the founder of Motivated Wellness Solutions and Coaching Upwards, and the co-founder of TheraVault. Amy has presented nationally and been featured on podcasts on mental health issues and supervision.
Trainer, Victoriya Reich, LISW-S, LCDCIII, is a seasoned mental health therapist and clinical supervisor committed to the betterment of mental health professionals and their clients. She holds degrees in psychology and criminal justice, and co-founded TheraVault. She teaches at Cleveland State University and provides social work supervision. Victoriya has been featured on podcasts, presenting nationally on mental health and supervision.)
Class B
Cannabis Induced Psychosis: Recent Trends in Cannabis Use (3 CE Credits)
Cannabis ranks as the third most commonly used substance nationwide, trailing only tobacco and alcohol. Approximately 16 million Americans report regular cannabis use, with the majority initiating use during their teenage years (NIH). The broad legalization of marijuana has brought about challenges, with a failure to address increased toxicity and adverse effects on early teens and young adults. Notably, there has been a marked rise in cannabis-related hospitalizations for anxiety, paranoia, and psychosis, causing significant concern. Furthermore, a worrisome association exists between cannabis and various psychotic disorders.
This new training will explore treatment approaches, including behavioral therapies and pharmacological interventions, alongside legal considerations. Through case studies and practical applications, participants will deepen their understanding of intervention strategies and support mechanisms. The class will also cover evidence-based prevention strategies and the importance of education in mitigating cannabis misuse. Attendees will also learn about available support and resources for both individuals and families impacted by cannabis use disorder. Attendees will enhance their knowledge and gain tools needed to effectively address cannabis use disorder in clinical practice and community settings.
(Trainer, John Puls, LCSW, MCAP is a licensed clinical social worker and master’s certified addiction professional in the state of Florida. He has worked in all levels of care, both as a support staff and a psychotherapist. Mr. Puls is a qualified expert witness, reviewing cases for legal proceedings involving substance use disorder and mental health. He is the owner of a private psychotherapy, crisis intervention and case management company located in Boca Raton, FL.)
Evening Sessions
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Select one of the following classes
Class A
Using MMT for Treating Impulsive, Addictive, and Self-Destructive Behaviors (3 CE Credits)
Clients with impulsive and addictive behaviors often have trouble engaging in treatment, completing home-practice, or even attending sessions regularly. As a result, treatment outcomes are often disappointing, and drop-out rates are high. To address these issues, Mindfulness and Modification Therapy (MMT; Wupperman, 2019) offers time- and cost-effective strategies for helping clients break free from dysregulated behavior. MMT integrates key elements from Motivational Interviewing, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and other evidence-based approaches. Preliminary trials of MMT have shown decreases in alcohol use, drug use, binge eating, and verbal/physical aggression in both self-referred and court-referred clients. Case studies have also shown decreases in trichotillomania, skin picking, compulsive shopping, and other dysregulated behaviors.
MMT can be conducted as a stand-alone treatment or as a precursor to decrease problem behaviors that might hinder additional therapy. Participants will gain skills to conceptualize and address dysregulated behaviors in ways that improve client engagement and decrease obstacles. You’ll acquire the ability to tailor this treatment to suit the needs of various clients and gain the tools to help clients begin moving toward lives that feel more fulfilling. This training will illustrate implementation with case vignettes, experiential exercises, video presentations, and procedural descriptions. You will see how to seamlessly integrate these strategies into your existing treatments.
(Trainer, Peggilee Wupperman, PhD, is a Psychology Professor at John Jay College and an Assistant Clinical Professor at Yale Medical School. She has authored numerous journal articles and the award-winning book, “Treating Impulsive, Addictive, and Self-Destructive Behaviors: Mindfulness and Modification Therapy.” She conducts trainings for mental-health professionals across the nation.)
Class B
An Overview of EMDR: Key Concepts and Applications for Treating Trauma (3 CE Credits – Trauma)
This course is an overview of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) for therapists who are interested in understanding or reviewing the basics about the model. This does not serve as the EMDR Basic Training; rather, it is intended as an introduction or a refresher course, and it provides useful information for referring clinicians. Key concepts, an outline of treatment, up-to-date research, and case examples will be presented.
In this course, the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) model will be explained as the strengths-based theoretical foundation for EMDR, developed by Dr. Francine Shapiro. AIP views trauma symptoms as unprocessed disturbing memories. EMDR uses eye movements as bilateral stimulation to help access and desensitize traumatic memories, and allows individuals to reprocess memory adaptively thus eliminating symptoms. The 8 Phases of EMDR treatment will be presented along with case examples to illustrate the process.
(Trainer, Amanda Good, LICSW, EMDR-C, is the Clinical Director at The Sibley Group in Washington DC, where she has been a psychotherapist for adolescent and adult clients for 15 years. She specializes in treating stress, anxiety, and trauma related symptoms, and is certified in Eye Movement and Desensitization Therapy (EMDR).)
Register Today!
Register For Full Conference →
(18 CE Credits, $299.97)
Register For First Day Only →
(9 CE Credits, $149.99)
Register For Second Day Only →
(9 CE Credits, $149.99)